首页 > 无法检测的集线器 > Originality.ai检测准确吗?


Originality.ai是目前最知名的 AI 检测工具之一。它被大力宣传为领先的 AI 检测平台之一,并定期更新扫描模型和技术。

然而,也有用户在在线表单上(以最活跃的Reddit为例)表示Originality.ai根本不准确。因此,在本文中,我们将找出Originality.ai是否是一个准确的 AI 内容检测器,或者它是否没有看起来那么可靠。让我们对其进行测试,看看我们会得到什么结果。

利用HIX Bypass击败Originality.ai

尽管Originality.ai声称自己非常准确,但它还是可以被超越。HIX HIX Bypass就是帮助您做到这一点的工具。立即试用HIX Bypass (最佳的不可检测 AI 编写器),并在Originality.ai上获得 100% 的人工评分。

尝试HIX Bypass创造不可察觉的AI写作

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在我们研究Originality.ai是否准确之前,重要的是要了解它如何检测 AI 编写的文本。Originity.ai Originality.ai工作原理是扫描文本并借助ChatGPT 、GPT4 或 Gemini 等 AI 工具寻找部分或全部编写的迹象。在自己的研究中, Originality.ai开发人员声称该工具的准确率超过 95%。





Orignality.AI 的用户体验相对简单。用户可以登录自己的帐户来访问该工具,然后单击“开始新扫描”按钮继续。然后,他们必须粘贴要扫描的文本,从可用的扫描模型中选择一个,并勾选复选框以检查是否存在抄袭或可读性。然后,按“立即扫描”。

在定价方面, Originality.ai是少数没有免费试用版或免费版本的 AI 检测器之一。您必须付费才能使用此工具,并且它采用信用系统。用户可以用信用充值他们的账户,然后根据使用的工具和总字数在每次扫描时花费信用。


如前所述, Originality.ai营销力度非常大。其背后的团队投入了大量资金,使该工具看起来像是市场上最好的选择之一,即使不是最好的选择。然而,许多经常使用它的人并不那么相信,因为网上有大量讨论,用户批评该工具的可靠性


许多用户抱怨说,该工具的评分几乎是随机的,过于敏感,将旧的 AI 前内容标记为 AI,而实际上不可能,等等。有大量文章指出,该工具的使用非常不可靠,而且令人困惑。对于自由职业者和作家来说,这尤其成问题,因为他们的人工书写文本被 Originality 敏感的扫描技术标记为 AI,因此他们经常被错误地指控使用 AI。




我们将首先了解一些简单的 AI 生成内容,使用市场上三种领先的工具: ChatGPT 、Gemini 和 Claude。

首先,我们要求ChatGPT给我们 100 个字来描述旅行的乐趣。


Traveling is a symphony of joy, orchestrating a melodic blend of discovery and exhilaration. Each journey unfurls a tapestry of cultures, weaving vibrant hues of experiences that imprint lasting memories. The thrill lies in navigating unfamiliar landscapes, savoring diverse cuisines, and forging connections with people whose stories intertwine with the places they call home. The world becomes a vast playground, offering a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and sensations. Whether it's the awe-inspiring beauty of nature or the pulsating energy of bustling cities, travel encapsulates the essence of adventure. It's a passport to personal growth, broadening perspectives and fostering a deep appreciation for the intricate mosaic of our global community.

以下是 Originality 对此的看法:


如你所见, Originality.ai正确地发现该文本是 AI 编写的。

接下来,我们请 Gemini 给我们 100 个词来形容马克·吐温,以下是 Gemini 给出的答案:


Mark Twain, pen name of Samuel Clemens, was a prominent American writer, humorist, and social critic. Born in 1835, he grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River, which became a recurring theme in his works. His wit and sharp observations on society captivated audiences, earning him the title of "the greatest humorist the United States has produced." Twain's most celebrated novels include "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and its sequel, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," which is often considered the "Great American Novel" for its exploration of American themes like racism and social injustice. Beyond humor, Twain tackled complex issues with social commentary and satire, leaving a lasting impact on American literature and culture. He died in 1910, but his legacy as a storyteller and social critic continues to inspire readers today.



再次证明, Originality.ai是正确的。

最后,我们向 Claude 求助。我们请它给我们提供一段关于养育子女的挑战的文字。


Kids change a lot. Babies need constant care. Time goes fast as kids grow. Keeping children safe is hard work. Teaching right from wrong is challenging. Communicating effectively takes effort. Children have tantrums sometimes. Sibling rivalry causes tensions. Managing schedules is difficult. Affording kids' expenses isn't easy. Tiredness comes with young kids. Setting limits requires consistency. Illnesses bring worry. Choosing schools adds pressure. Connecting with teachers helps. Supporting activities costs money. Eating well demands cooking. Cleaning never stops. Finding balance takes practice. Disciplining tactfully helps behaviors. Temptations exist everywhere. Hormones cause teen struggles. Technologies need guidance. Friend choices concern parents. Driving starts independence and risks. College planning has hurdles. Letting go gets emotional. Grandparent roles evolve too. Fulfillment outweighs all though. Patience and love help most. Every stage poses new parenting puzzles. But a hug makes it worthwhile.

以下是 Originality 对此的看法。


我们已经遇到了第一次失败。即使是一段完全由人工智能编写的文本,Originality 的准确性也受到质疑,因为它只发现这段文本中有 56% 是人工智能的。


接下来,我们想看看Originality.ai对在Quillbot的帮助下改写的 AI 文本的表现如何。



Journeying is a joyful symphony that orchestrates a musical combination of exploration and excitement. Every travel reveals a mosaic of civilizations, creating vivid encounters that leave a lasting impression. The excitement comes in seeing new terrain, tasting other cuisines, and developing relationships with individuals whose lives are entwined with the locations they call home. The world opens up like a huge playground with a wide variety of sights, sounds, and experiences. Travel captures the spirit of adventure, whether it's via the breathtaking grandeur of the natural world or the vibrant energy of vibrant cities. It serves as a passport for developing one's self, widening one's horizons, and cultivating a profound understanding of the complex web that is our international community.



它正确识别了这一点,发现文本确实是 100% 人工智能的。

接下来, Quillbot解释了 Gemini 的原文:


Samuel Clemens, writing under the pen name Mark Twain, was a well-known American comedian, social critic, and writer. His upbringing on the banks of the Mississippi River—where he was born in 1835—became a recurrent topic in his writing. He was dubbed "the greatest humorist the United States has produced" because of his wit and perceptive social insights, which captured the attention of audiences. Among Mark Twain's most well-known works are "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," the latter of which is sometimes referred to as the "Great American Novel" due to its examination of issues of social justice and racism in the United States. Beyond comedy, Mark Twain used satire and social commentary to address difficult subjects, having a long-lasting influence on American literature and society. Although he passed away in 1910, his storytelling legacy lives on to modern times.

Originality 对该文本的解读如下:





Children go through a lot of change. Infants require ongoing attention. Growing up means that time flies. Keeping kids safe requires a lot of work. It's difficult to teach what is good and wrong. It takes work to communicate properly. Sometimes, children throw tantrums. Tensions are caused by sibling rivalry. Organizing schedules is challenging. Paying for children's expenditures is difficult. Having little children makes you tired. Consistency is necessary for establishing boundaries. Diseases cause anxiety. Selecting a school increases stress. Developing relationships with educators is beneficial. It costs money to support activities. Cooking is necessary for healthy eating. There is never a halt to cleaning. It takes practice to find equilibrium. Gentle discipline modifies behavior. There are temptations around. Teen problems are caused by hormones. Technologies require direction. Parents are affected by the decisions made by friends. Risks and independence are introduced through driving. There are obstacles while planning for college. Giving up becomes emotional. The duties of grandparents also change with time. Thoughts are outweighed by fulfillment. Be patient and show affection.



Originality 成功发现该文本是 AI 编写的,这证明了绕过 Originality 有多么困难。


接下来,我们自己写了三段文字,以检验“ Originality AI检测与人类撰写的文章相比是否准确?”


For many people, travel is a joyful and enriching experience. It can be so rewarding and exciting to travel the world, visiting new places, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures. Many people find that travel broadens their minds and opens them up to new ways of looking at the world. Indeed, many travelers head home feeling not only refreshed and revitalized after taking a break from their normal lives, but also with more knowledge and wisdom than they originally had. This is just one of the reasons why so many people choose to travel as much as possible, making it their top priority in life.



不幸的是,这立即证明了,正如许多用户所说, Originality.ai存在明显的误报问题。它认为整篇文章都是人工智能写的,而实际上这篇文章完全是由普通人类作家撰写的。


Mark Twain was a famous American writer, responsible for such works as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was born in Missouri in 1835 and set many of his most famous stories there. His real name was Samuel Clemens, but he adopted the pen name Mark Twain early on in his writing career. Twain's work famously managed to combine humor, levity, and detailed social criticism. He was also capable of writing a very varied range of works, including both fiction to non-fiction in a range of genres. He died in 1910, but his work lives on and still finds new fans over a century later.

以下是 Originality 对此的看法:


再次强调,这是误报。Originality 表示,尽管文本 100% 都是人类内容,但其中一半以上是人工智能生成的。

第三,也是最后一点,我们写了大约 100 个字来描述作为父母的困难。

Being a parent isn't easy. There are lots of challenges that come along with having children, right from day one. When you're responsible for another person's life, especially a baby or infant who isn't able to fend for itself in any way, you have to sacrifice a lot. Many new parents find that their lifestyles change dramatically. They lose sleep, start to stress, and don't have anywhere near as much free time as they once had to enjoy things like hobbies and socializing. As children get older, some of these problems ease, but new challenges emerge. Parents may, for example, have to cope with their children struggling at school, getting bullied, questioning their identities, getting into trouble, and so on. Indeed, in many ways, becoming a parent is a lifelong challenge.



再次Originality.ai重大误报。Originality.ai 认为该文本 92% 是人工智能的,这表明它是多么不准确和过于敏感。

HIX Bypass :绕过Originality.ai终极工具

hix-旁路-1600-836 (2).jpg

说到Originality.ai的准确性,我们的测试表明它在检测 AI 内容方面表现相当不错。但是,它不能被描述为“准确”的工具,因为它会犯很多错误。例如,它无法将我们的任何人工编写的文本片段检测为人工编写的,而是声称它们都是由 AI 编写的。这使得绕过 Originality 变得非常困难。

幸运的是, HIX Bypass就是答案。HIX HIX Bypass是目前最好的不可检测 AI 作家之一,拥有业界领先的人性化技术。它可以帮助您绕过所有主要检测器,例如Originality.aiGPTZero等。它还提供多种绕过模式、快速处理时间、 ChatGPT水印去除、无抄袭等。

HIX Bypass可以超越Originality.ai ,甚至更多

Winston AI
Content at Scale


  • 先进的 AI 文本人性化:最先进的人性化技术,可使任何 AI 文本人性化。
  • 无抄袭:始终提供原创内容,不存在任何复制或抄袭行为。
  • 保留含义:能够保留和理解作者的意图。
  • 多种模式:提供三种不同策略的旁路模式。
  • SEO:制作具有有价值的关键词的SEO优化内容,以获得较高的排名。
  • 多语言:支持从西班牙语到俄语等数十种语言。

HIX Bypass功能证明

当然,声称HIX Bypass非常适合绕过Originality.ai是很容易的。但是,要了解它到底有多有用,我们必须对其进行测试,就像之前的其他工具一样。因此,我们取出了所有三篇 AI 生成的文本,通过HIX Bypass运行它们,然后与Originality.ai进行检查。

HIX Bypass处理ChatGPT内容

以下是HIX Bypass将ChatGPT内容人性化后的输出:




HIX Bypass处理 Gemini 内容

HIX Bypass处理 Gemini 内容的方式如下:




HIX Bypass处理 Claude 内容

这是HIX Bypass的结果:




从这些截图结果可以看出, HIX Bypass是突破Originality.ai终极工具。在所有三项测试中,它都能快速高效地转换 AI 文本,使其变得足够人性化,从而始终如一地通过 Originality,每次都能获得几乎完美的 100% 人类评分。



  • 文本来源
  • 原创性结果
  • 成功还是失败?
  • 人工智能ChatGPT
  • 100%人工智能
  • 成功
  • 人工智能——双子座
  • 100%人工智能
  • 成功
  • 人工智能——克劳德
  • 56% 人工智能
  • 失败
  • Quillbot – ChatGPT
  • 100%人工智能
  • 成功
  • Quillbot – 双子座
  • 100%人工智能
  • 成功
  • Quillbot克劳德
  • 100%人工智能
  • 成功
  • 人类#1
  • 100%人工智能
  • 失败
  • 人类#2
  • 52%人工智能
  • 失败
  • 人类#3
  • 92%人工智能
  • 失败
  • HIX Bypass #1
  • 90% 人类
  • 失败
  • HIX Bypass #2
  • 94% 人类
  • 失败
  • HIX Bypass #3
  • 100% 人类
  • 失败


最终,如果我们要问“Originality 准确吗?”,答案是否定的。它确实做对了一些事情。Originality.ai 可以发现由 Gemini 或ChatGPT等工具制作的内容。然而,在 AI 内容检测方面,它可能不是完美和准确的参考,有许多误报和Originality.ai人类内容与 AI 混淆的情况,反之亦然。

因此,如果您正在寻找一种合适的解决方案来轻松绕过“不准确”的Originality.ai检测,那么HIX Bypass就是您要找的解决方案。无论哪种类型的 AI 内容, HIX Bypass都能每次击败Originality.ai ,并确保您的 AI 内容保持其自然、类似人类的品质。

